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Music Artist and Performer Advisory Board

Customized Options

Our team is dedicated to creating strategic partnerships with brands and individuals harmonious with our mission.

The links above feature several options that will align you with our passionate and growing team! If you wish to create a customized partnership please contact us.

Leadership Team

Individuals particapating within committes, and on the executive boards, are all active and contributing members of the Southern Museum of Music.

The Southern Museum of Music welcomes your expertise and guidance.

The Southern Museum of Music members of the Artist & Performer Advisory Board are affiliated with all aspects of the music industry and bring diverse perspectives, experience and expertise to the board. Your support to increase the public's awareness of our endeavors and thus stimulate a new generation to learn our history and recognize the efforts of so many to bring music and joy into our daily lives for many generations to come. From your support and guidance we will represent the real history, the real stories, life experiences and that it takes a community to make a hit song.

It is our objective to have representitives from each of the seventeen official Southern States (per the U.S. Census Bureau), and each of the seventeen foundation genre's, with no limitations of artist and performers from other states and/or genres supporting the program to preserve the musical heritage of the south.

You are welcome to be as involved in the program as time allows, Individuals particapating may attend annual meetings via conference calls, and electronic media, name support has great value with our industry.

16 Southern Sates & D.C. (per U.S. Census Bureau);

  • Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia.

17+ Genre's rooted in the South;

  • Bluegrass, Blues, Carolina Beach, Country, Folk, Funk, Gospel, Jazz, Native American, Ragtime, Rhythm & Blues, Rockabilly, Soul, Southern Hip-Hop, Southern Rock, Spirituals, Zydeco.

To learn more about our team please view ABOUT US.

Just call us (404) 627-4734

To learn more attend one of our scheduled meetings and become an active member.